RE: gnome-control-center power remaining confusion

On Thu, 2014-06-05 at 12:20 +0000, John Frankish wrote:
Using gnome-control-center-3.10.3, I get:

Desktop top panel battery icon -> click -> time remaining 1:29 -

Gnome-control-center -> power -> time remaining 1:29 - 79%

Why 50% battery life remaining in one and 79% battery life
remaining in the

Because the way that the time remaining is calculated is different
in each of those applications. This is all fixed in GNOME 3.12 with UPower

Thanks for the update - rather than recompiling a bunch of applications, is
there patch to fix this for gnome-3.10.x?

No. UPower does that now, and it requires a new UPower (obviously) and
new gnome-control-center, gnome-shell and gnome-settings-daemon.

And gnome-session and gjs and mozjs and and and

..all to correct the remaining battery life display

I think I'll live with it - thanks :)

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