[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] [PATCH] For build problem on x86_64

Hi guys,

Just joined, so apologies if this issue has been addressed.

The latest cvs tarball of openh323 (dated 8th sept) failed to build on x86_64 
because of a small mistake in plugins/audio/Speex/Makefile.in

Attached a tiny patch to use STDCCFLAGS (and hence -fPIC) in the .o : .c rule.

Hope thats useful

Thanks to people on irc, who couldn't help, but were nonetheless very 
friendly :)

Andrew Walrond

BTW If you need x86_64 testers before next release, I'm more than happy to 

Attachment: openh323.x86_64.patch.bz2
Description: BZip2 compressed data

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