Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] New code:please test or comment

On dt, 2004-09-21 at 23:16, Damien Sandras wrote:
> Hi,
> I have changed the code in GM so that the URL bar becomes an auto-
> completion entry. It means that when you type, it proposes you a list of
> valid URLs and names to call following the URLs in your calls history
> and in your address book. Then you select in the list one item, and you
> call.
> That call is not finished, as that list is not updated when you
> receive/give or miss a call, it is not updated either when a contact is
> removed/added/edited. So the completion list is only updated at startup.

> It seems taht some entries are sometimes displayed twice in the list,
> which is a bug I need to fix.
> However, you can already test.

> Here is how it works, imagine you have 3 items in the address book and
> calls history:
> 1) Jonita Prifti : jonita net
> 2) Jonita Prifti :
> 3) Jonita Prifti : callto:
> If you type :
> - h323:Jo or callto:Jo, the 3 entries are presented (match on jonita)
> - callto:pr or h323:pr, the 3 entries are presented (match on prifti)
> - pr alone, the 3 entries are presented
> - h323pr, no entries
> - callto:jonita@ or h323:jonita@, the 1) entry is displayed (match on
> the email part of the ILS callto, I thought it could be convenient)
> -, no entries are displayed as that is the host
> part of an ILS callto with an email address and possibly 300 results
> -, the second entry is displayed
> In general, the h323 and callto part are ignored. So callto:seco, will
> match for example.
> Does that seem logical? Do you think the examples above are right?

It seems logical to me, and I tested it and looks good and promising =)

> Please try for yourself and report everything that you find counter-
> intuitive.

So far (I know this is the first version! :) I am missing the combo box
functionality, so I would not need to type to get the latests calls, and
I would be able to work only with the mouse. I also saw that it doesn't
call the contact once you hit return on a selected address (you have to
use the button).
Then realized that I got lots of results, and it seems that GM is using
the three lists together for the search: received calls, placed, and
unanswered. This is a bit strange, as you get addresses from people you
didn't call, which is something I wouldn't expect to get, but might be a
feature! :)

In general, I would expect it to work much like in a web browser (which
I suppose is the final goal)

Anyway, it looks great, but I miss the combo!



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