Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] GnomeMeeting 2.0 Promotion/Marketing (was: Interest for GM 2.00)

CJ van den Berg a écrit :

On Wed, Nov 30, 2005 at 07:06:12PM +0100, Damien Sandras wrote:
That you are right. Also, GnomeMeeting needs more marketing power. I
sent a mail about that earlier this month, but got few feedback.

Well here are some more thoughts on GM promotion:

1. Get GM 2.0 into Gnome 2.14

This is by far the most important way to raise visibility of any Gnome
related application. I know from watching the Gnome lists that there is
a lot of excitement over GM 2.0 and I'm sure they will mention SIP
prominently in their new features list if GM 2.0 is ready for 2.14.
Gnome releases have a *huge* chain reaction marketing effect and if GM
2.0 with SIP support gets into 2.14 I'm sure you'll see literally
hundreds of articles world wide mentioning GM 2.0.
But Gnome is not Linux. That you push the Gnome part it's ok. But don't forget to attract also people from Kde and others. I hear it: "Ok, but it's only Gnome compliant, it's even written in the application name"

And last but definitely not least...
... and I hate to say it...

4. Change the name!

I know it's difficulty and no-one really wants to go through the
hassle, but GnomeMeeting *really* needs a better name. NetMeeting is
dead (at least in the public mind) and GnomeMeeting is *not* just a
clone anyway. The -Meeting name really associates the project too much
with video conferencing which is a niche application (at least compared
to VoIP) and will always stay that way. Simple is good though too, so I
would suggest something simple and catchy that says *exactly* what GM
does/is. For example, GnomePhone, GnomeVoice, GnomeTalk, etc.

If you really want to keep a strong association to the GnomeMeeting
name perhaps condensing it and adding a suffix or prefix might work too.
For example, GM-Voice, GM-Talk, VoIP-GM, etc.
Anyway, as you probably noticed, none of these items are actually
*new*. They have all been talked about before and are AFAIK are on the
program from the GM 2.0 release. So I guess what it boils down to is,
push hard to get GM 2.0 out the door.
I agree 200% Others products change their name (X-Ten for instance) or their logo without loosing popularity. The marketing has to do a good job, that's all.

I remain that I send a message 21/11/2005 "Change of GNOMEMEETING name" about changing the name of GM, wasn't a lot of feedback :-(


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