Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Gconf key error with GnomeMeeting 1.3.0

On Sun, 2005-03-13 at 21:28 +0100, Damien Sandras wrote:

> > After you have gnomemeeting-snapshot installed, shutdown gconfd using
> > kill and make sure it's no longer running.  Then install the
> > gnomemeeting-snapshot schemas into Gconf:
> > 
> > $ gnomemeeting-config-tool-snapshot --install-schemas
> > 
> > I think I did that as root, but I'm not sure why now.  It was 3:00 am
> > when I was doing all this.  I might try it as a normal user if I did it
> > again.
> > 
> > That was it for me.  After all that, when I started gconf-editor I could
> > see all the new keys in apps/gnomemeeting-snapshot and Gnomemeeting
> > started without error.
> > 
> I've never had to do all this.
> Did I forget something special in my mini howto?
<shrug>  I'm certainly not the best person to evaluate that.  I just
started looking at GnomeMeeting a week ago, and really know next to
nothing about the code.  Yet until I went through those other steps I
didn't have all the right schemas in Gconf for GnomeMeeting 1.3.0, and
some of the code referenced gnomemeeting and not gnomemeeting-snapshot
(thus the GConf error message). In my limited understanding it does seem
to me that if one wants to use gnomemeeting-snapshot in Gconf that all
the code in the source tree needs to reference it.  It _looked_ like it
was half gnomemeeting and half gnomemeeting-snapshot, which is why I
went through the other steps.

I'd guess the actual code in CVS only references gnomemeeting and not
gnomemeeting-snapshot?  That would seem to argue for some automated way
to change the schema in the source tree if the intent is to create
packages that can be installed in parallel with GnomeMeeting 1.2.1.

I'm sure I'm missing a lot, there being no substitute for experience.  I
just bludgeoned my way through to a solution that seemed to work for me
last night.


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