[GnomeMeeting-list] Recommendations for a good webcam?

Hello all,
	I recently got GnomeMeeting compiled because I want to investigate
using webcams.  The next thing I need to do is actually go buy one so I
can start playing with it.  I checked the last few months of archives,
but I didn't see any specific mention of recommended webcams.  According
to Linux-USB and some reviews I read, Philips webcams seem to work well
with Linux and do a good job in general (the particular model I saw
checking out was the 740).  However, the stores in my local area
(Denver) don't seem to carry Philips cameras.
	So my question is:  can anyone recommend a good camera?  I don't want
to spend too much (i.e. $100 and up) if I don't have to, but since I
have broadband I think a 640x480 resolution is something I'd like.
	I'll be connecting primarily with family and friends who will be using

	My second question may be premature, but I'll ask anyway.  Is anyone
successfully using a webcam behind a router, and can you accept incoming
calls?  I know that due to the protocol, using a webcam behind a router
may not be very easy.  But I have a Linksys router connected via cable
modem.  My parents have a similar setup using an SMC router.  Yesterday
I got their webcam working on their internal network (using NetMeeting),
but I was unable to call from one system to another using the IP address
assigned to the WAN side of their router, even after opening up the
ports and setting the webcam machine up on the DMZ.
	I know from the FAQ that I may need to apply a kernel patch (no big
deal), and I'll probably have to tweak my router a bit, but before I
spend too much time on it I want to find out if it's even feasible.


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