Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Registering as ms-netmeeting client

Le dim 15/12/2002 à 13:31, Will Lehman a écrit :
> I'd like to configure gnomemeeting to register to a particular ils or ldap 
> server as a ms-netmeeting client rather than as gnomemeeting. The FAQ says 
> this is possible starting in version .94 using XDAP, but I haven't been able 
> to find exact instructions on how to do this anywhere on the web. Could 
> someone please offer assistance?
> (I know this is not recommended--this is for experiment only!)
> Thanks!!!

I don't know how to do it with XDAP, but I'm sure you can do it with a
little tampering of the sources...

Snark on #gnomemeeting

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