[GnomeMeeting-list] Can not transmit Audio

I have a problem with the gnomemeeting,  to be honist I am a newbie with 
gnome products and I hope that I find someone how helps me.

The problem is the following:
I like to get gnomemeeting up and running to build up a connection from 
Germany to the USA.

For the moment I try to get this tool working between to Linux machines.
One is installed with SuSE7.3 and the other one with SuSE 8.0.
The used soundsystem is ALSA and I can hear the sound. E.G. kmidi is running.

The used webcam is a Philips 730k model.

When I start gnomemeeting the video connetction is working but I get no audio 
Both PCs are in the same subnet and no firewalls are active.
In the controlcenter the full duplex option is turned on.

And I still get the error message/warning that the system is not able to open 
the audio channel.

Thanks for the time reading this mail and I hope to find some help any idear 
or private discussion is welcomed.

Joerg Demtroeder

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