Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] gnomemeeting-2002-05-03 snapshot RH72/i386 RPMs

On Wed, 6 Mar 2002, Ivo Clarysse wrote:

> I've put RH7.2/i386 RPMs for the 2002-05-03 gnomemeeting snapshot available 
> on:
> There are some new codecs (G.726-16k, G.726-32k).  If you had previously
> overridden the order or state of the audio codecs, these new codecs will
> not be visible in the codec configuration screen, after installation of
> the new RPMs.
> Workaround:
>    - exit gnomemeeting
>    - 'rm ~/.gconf/apps/gnomemeeting/audio_codecs'
>    - 'killall gconfd-1'

"gconftool-1 --shutdown" is a nicer way, and you should probably do it 
before deleting the directory, in order to avoid race-conditions.

>    - restart gnomemeeting, the new codecs should be visible now

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
                   alexl redhat com    alla lysator liu se 
He's a leather-clad chivalrous hairdresser whom everyone believes is mad. 
She's a pregnant streetsmart archaeologist with someone else's memories. They 
fight crime! 

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