Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Development Question

On Sun, May 05, 2002 at 07:42:44PM +0200, J?rgen Braetz wrote:
> Am Sonntag, 5. Mai 2002 19:09 schrieben Sie:
> > Hi Juergen,
> >
> > what's your problem with video codecs? they should work with NM..
> Hi Kilan,
> I meant: Compressed codecs to improve better performance for ISDN-Dialup 
> Connections.
> I tested today the following:
> NM - GM through direct connect between the hosts (dialup with ISDN 64K).
> Result: Sound was ugly and video poor. And the NM has to install audiocodecs 
> from GM HQ.
> 1. I mean its no problem for me to install those codecs on the other host, 
> but it doesn't work out of the box with NM.
> 2. Okay Sound and Video are also poor on NM to NM Connections via ISDN, but 
> still better as GM to NM.

Yes, Netmeeting uses patented codecs. As I already told, I'm not rich enough
to pay for them unfortunately... I think that paying for G.731.1 (the best
audio codec available) costs around 10 000 USD.

> 3. ILS Server IP recognition isn't yet installed on and so 
> how to make friends, whne NM can't see you and GM can't get you of course of 
> wrong IP's

You can always use another ILS server. But if GM registers a wrong IP
address on the ILS server, it generally means that the guy is behind
NAT, so it is difficult to make it work.

> 4. Suse RPM's doesn't work out of the box, so that you have to install 
> several (min of 5 packets on Suse 7.3 (Standard Network installation)).

That is the problem of dependancies. Suse ships with old RPMs. Those that we
provide are unofficial. You could contact Suse and tell them.

> 5. Documentation isn't readeable for KDE 2 Konqueror (although you should be 
> able to use it)

OK, send me a patch to apply to the documentation, Ill ask to Rafael to
apply it. No problem for me, but Konqueror is not the only browser on earth
and I was told that there was a bug in Konqueror for KDE2.2...

> 6. Mailinglist isn't very friendly.

I spend about an hour every day to answer mails on the mailing list and you
tell me that I am not friendly... Heh what do you want more?

> That is why i find GM yet not good enough to use for me. Perhaps you 

Then don't use it. Where is the problem? Nobody can be happy with every thing.
If GnomeMeeting is not good enough for you, where is the problem? Don't use it,
or improve it or use *good* microsoft software.

> misunderstood me, but i am not new to linux and discussion sounds to me like 
> war on the net here. Perhaps it is why i am not perfect to english. But when 
> i ask i will handled like a dummy and was said to check things taht doesn not 
> work out of the box. I meant i don't want to install much things to use it 

What doesn't work out of the box? Compile it yourself, you will not need
to install 5 RPMs. Simple... What do you mean by doesn't work out of the box?

> and don't want to be alone on needing help. Can you say me how to use GM with 
> no partner either NM or GM or even to test it. How should I improve my 
> knowledge if nobody gives an good answer or a hint.

What is your problem? Your question was "When will video codecs be available
for GnomeMeeting"? Well there are already a video codec that works with Netmeeting... If you think that it is not of good quality enough, perfect, give
me money, and I will buy the patents for GnomeMeeting and for the OpenH323

> Please feel to be spoken on here but these are things are recognized ....

I don't understand sorry...

> Greets 
> J?rgen
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