Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] help

Question explains what is a

An ILS directory is not a gatekeeper. You have to disable registering to
the gatekeeper and instead fill in your details in Personal Data, go in
directories settings, and enable registering to the XDAP directory.

XDAP directory = ILS directory, or LDAP directory or ... 

I'll add this to teh FAQ if I don't forget.

Le mer 02/10/2002 à 14:37, Ciaran Farrell a écrit :
> how can I register to the or to the
> I've tried putting these into the
> 'gatekeeper settings' and then using 'register using
> the gatekeeper host' but it gives me the 'error'
> message...cannot register.
> On the ILS directory I've just been prompted to
> register ti but when I try it (as
> described before) it still gives me the error message.
> What is wrong? I've tried calling members on the ILS
> directory who also wanted to be called for testing
> purposes, but nothing happened. I've read the
> documentation but can't find anything relevant!
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