[GnomeMeeting-list] Re: Calls don't terminate (0.96.1-4.deb)

Je 2003/12/09(2)/14:12, Damien Sandras skribis:
> > But then, when I click on the "disconnect" (upper right corner) on
> > gnomemeeting on rato or foko, gnomemeeting on foko goes in a strange
> > state

> There are several possibilities when a call doesn't terminate. First of
> all, I would recommend you upgrading to 0.98.5 if possible.

OK, that did the trick.
(I actually used 0.98.5 before, but noticed other problems with
calling into a firewall, so didn't want to go back there.)

Anyway, disconnecting works OK now with 0.98.5, thanks.

> I won't give all possible reasons here, but we will start with the fist
> : sound drivers problems. OSS is in general of bad quality when it comes
> to full-duplex and leads to that kind of behavior preventing the device
> to be correctly closed. I suggest you installing ALSA on the machine
> where the call doesn't end (foko). If the problem persists (but I doubt
> it will), then the next possible cause is a misconfigured firewall (but
> I don't think it is the case). 

I am using ALSA already, and I did (using 0.96) check that
right after the call (when `foko' was in this strange state),
I could (on foko) start "wavp file.wav", and the file.wav would
play. So it looks like it wasn't the sounddrivers. But well, doesn't
matter now.


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