Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] gnomemeeting, netmeeting, lan and NAT

Damien Sandras <dsandras seconix com> writes:

>> OK - I'll have a shot at doing this with just redirection - just have
>> to convert it all to ipchains first. The floppyfw machine is a 486 and
>> does not support 2.4.x kernels. However - since all it does is route -
>> I can live with ipchains.
> OK as long as ipchains supports port forwarding (I don't remember but
> I'm not sure it does).

It does, with a little help from ipmasqadm - here's an example for a
web server port

ipchains -A input -p TCP -d ${OUTSIDE_IP} 80 -j ACCEPT
ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L ${OUTSIDE_IP} 80 -R ${INSIDE_IP} 80

What I'm not so sure about is how to handle the translation from
iptables to this (and what iptables means with PREROUTING and

Guess I got me even more reading up to do :-)

> If you do this, you have to unload the buggy h323_masq_module, forward
> the required ports and enable IP translation in GnomeMeeting. Yes it is
> needed, but it is only an option to enable in GnomeMeeting :)

OK. Thanks.

Chris Searle

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