Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] firewire and MiniDV camera

Well, let me try to summarize:
* you tampered with the compilation of something;
* you forcefully installed another thing;
* then got problem with yet another thing.

To add IEEE1394 support to gm, only two things need recompilation:
* pwlib, since it's where you have to put the support in;
* gm, since you want it to make use of something you added.
(supposing you already have a _working and correct_ gm-IEEE1394
installation, and you're trying to use the _very same_ gm

These things have build-dependancies; as the name states, you _have to
satisfy_ them to be able to build successfully. Trying to get around a
dependancy by commenting out its use in a Makefile is *evil*, and won't

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