Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] phonedev module

I downloaded and compiled the nixj drivers. The ixj and phonedev modules
load fine now. However, when I start gnomemeeting after entering my
microtelco information, gnomemeeting gives a segfault. If I clear the
error window, gnomemeeting seems to still work ok. If I remove my
microtelco information, gnomemeeting doesn't give the segfault anymore.

When gnomemeeting gives the segfault, it doesn't produce a backtrace.

When I try to use pc to phone, the other party can hear me but I cannot
hear them (except for one call only).

System set up:

RedHat 7.3 / Ximain Gnome 2
Kernel 2.4.18-10
nixj drivers
gnomemeeting 0.96
internet Phonejack card
IP translation enabled in gnomemeeting
Tried with and without fast start and tunneling enabled

Can someone please help me to resolve these problems. Since purchasing
the internet Phonejack card and the microtelco account, I would REALLY
like to get this working.

Thanks in advance,
George <geboyd netzero net>

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