Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] How to fix sound choppy on CPU load?

On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Johnny Strom wrote:

> I was thinking that the size of the buffers in the sound driver can
> make a diffrence on the sound quality under load, and what you could 
> test is to patch your kernel with the Preemptible Kernel patch:

I can do that, but it appears unlikely the problem is in the
audio drivers, since:

* it happens both for ALSA (on desktop) and OSS (on laptop);

* the sliding image movement in Gnomemeeting gets choppy as
  well on high CPU load (which, I suppose, is not related to
  the audio drivers);

* other programs reproduce sound without problems (RealONE
  player, xmms, xine, etc.) on both machines.


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