Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] recording problem

Op dinsdag 25 november 2003 13:27, schreef Damien Sandras:
> > but how does the audio test work (approximately) in the druid?
> It opens the device for reading and writing, it records sound during 5
> seconds, puts it in a buffer then start playing with a 5 seconds delay.

so actually, it's the same as the tests I'd done?

> > actually I have kmix, but the artsd uses ALSA, if it's started, kmix
> > reports the same audio levels as alsamixer does...
> > actually the capture and the microphone are set to rec, and the mic is
> > set to max...
> Argh, can you shutdown artsd and try again?

uhum, I did say 'if', I have set it _not_ to start at boot time anymore a 
while ago, I just thought that the audio levels that kmix reported are ALSA 
levels because KDE has artsd and artsd uses ALSA & kmix is from KDE...

> > I was wondering if the OSS emulation has different audio levels then the
> > ALSA it's based on...
> I'm not sure about this...

would you know if the aumix program uses OSS to show it's levels?

I asked the alsa-user mailing list, if the OSS emulation has a different set 
of audio levels...

thanks for all help...

Maarten Vanraes
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