Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Re: GnomeMeeting Voice Logging

On Thu, Apr 07, 2005 at 11:37:59PM +0200, Damien Sandras wrote:
> > But the problem with voice/video conferences is that you cannot easily
> > record them.
> Agreed, and it makes things more complex with video as you have to
> reencode in real time.
> > Is it possible to add a feature to GnomeMeeting to record conferences.
> That's possible, however, I can not promise it will happen before a few
> months (probably one year). I don't have much spare time and I'm fully
> concentrating on SIP support for now, which is much more requested.

Yep, SIP is more important. Many new mobilephones have PoC client, which
basically is just SIP client. Would be nice to talk and call to/from
gnomemeeting and Nokia GSM phones.

> However, it will be on my TODO list after that. If you want to help, or
> contribute it, please feel free, it would be a nice contribution.

I think Gstreamer is a good place to start: 
< >

Gstreamer tools (gst-recorder) and players are not much to talk about yet, 
at least compared to great MPlayer, but the idea there is the right one, to
encapsulate all video+audio processing under one frame work and
libraries and one can then add and chain different kind of stream sources, 
codecs, filters, doublers and such to the stream. Some day MPlayer 
should be ported to Gstremer or somehow rerationalize the systems.

// jouni

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