[GnomeMeeting-list] LCS 2003 with gnomemeeting

Hi , sorry if this has been asked before , I did not find it ... 

I'm currently trying to move my workstation to Linux ( first using Vmware or
Qemu), I've moved to evolution ( exchange 2003 server ) for emails & calendar 
, but I need to get rid of  " windows messenger " the only client for " Live
communications server 2003 ( MS) " [1]  , So what I need is a SIP client that
support registration using TLS.

So does OPAL support this ? 

So you know another user agent that would support it ? 

BTW , Damien , I've seen that you succed a video call with WM 5.1 without
problems , but i've heard that the SIP librairies used by MS were not really
RFC compliant ??

Just for info , MS is releasing a Web messenger [2], that will work on any
browser ( maybe ajax ?) 

[1] http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/FX010908711033.aspx

Michel memeteau
sip://17476005010 proxy01 sipphone com
jabber : freechelmi jabber org

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