Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Why all the #%$@*(*& dependencies

On Monday 19 December 2005 05:48, Julien PUYDT wrote:
> Allan a écrit :
> > That's fine, but how many more months will it be before GM 2 is available
> > on most distributions?
> You have to realize that GM 2 isn't released yet, even as alpha !

I appreciate that but I'm guessing that 1.9 is the next best thing at this 
point and wanted to try it out.

> It is targetted to developpers only at that point. If you don't know how
> to compile it properly and are lost in the dependancies, then you
> definitely shouldn't try.

It's not a question of being lost, it's just the damned inconvenience of 
having to do it.  Surely there must be a better way.

And by the way, this was not intended as a slight but as genuine curiosity as 
to why developers continue doing things which made sense when storage was 
expensive.  Or maybe, I just don't understand.

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