Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Re: New user seeks info on Netmeeting, Yahoo Messenger, and AIM

Hi Conrad,

Am Dienstag, den 03.05.2005, 21:17 +0000 schrieb Conrad Beckert:
> Am Dienstag, 3. Mai 2005 10:46 schrieb Damien Sandras:
> > > Maybe it would be even possible to cross compile MS Windows
> > > executable with Linux gcc?
> >
> > That's not possible, you need windows and visual C++.
> Would it be possible to use the freely downloadable version though or would I 
> have to pay my M$-Tax (tm).
> Conrad
> PS: There was a discussion on compiling OpenPhone. Did it yield a functional  
> openphone.exe? Can anyone post the binary somewhere, if there is any, please.

not that this is the latest version, but you'll find one here:

At least the OpenH323/PWLib you'll need for that are majorly outdated.
But and have no binary as far as i could
see.. asking at openh323 openh323 org would however be the better place
i guess =)

Best regards,

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