Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Integrating GM into another application

Robert Rozman a écrit :
thanks for info. Pardon me, I'm newbie (so I'm probably missing something), but AFAIK (and could be easily wrong) dbus consists of certain messages that control certain features of certain applications that support it. And I guess that before controlling some app, you probably have to know what messages will fire what events, etc....


If I take DBUS command line utility to send dbus messages to GM, what to send to GM or where can I find more info about what to send on dbus to GM ?

src/dbus_component.h has and will have documentation.

If anyone have few minutes to spare, I'd kindly ask for example lines that will get me going...

The simpler to get a grasp at it is to see how it works in python.

For example to get a hold of the gnomemeeting helper :
import dbus
bus = dbus.SessionBus()
obj = bus.get_object ('net.gnomemeeting.helper', '/net/gnomemeeting/helper')
iface = dbus.Interface(obj, 'net.gnomemeeting.helper')

Then to use it :

Or to get the calls managing features :
obj = bus.get_object ('net.gnomemeeting.instance', '/net/gnomemeeting/instance')
iface = dbus.Interface(obj, 'net.gnomemeeting.instance.calls')

Then use it :
iface.GetCallsList ()
iface.Connect ('sip:500 gnomemeeting net')

You have to know :
1) there is a historical first implementation of dbus connectivity in gnomemeeting which doesn't even compile with recent dbus versions ; 2) I updated the implementation in the opal branch recently, and it works (I even sent the code of a remote for it, see : ) ; 3) but I have code to obsolete the previous dbus code in gnomemeeting ; to know what is in, you should have a look here :

This should help,

Snark on #gnomemeeting

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