Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] gnomemeeting + ATI Wonder pro TV Capture card

Le jeudi 05 janvier 2006 à 11:33 -0700, sanjay_darisi leafnetworks net a
écrit :
> OK, this is what I'm doing. When I open gnomemeeting it tries to read from the camera as it is connected but displays nothing, no video. I can open
> up all the menus and close them fine (changing any of the settings freezes it too). When I hit the camera button, as you said it tries to stop the
> video and freezes again (as the button is a toggle button).
> So, when I start gnomemeeting, it connects to the camera but displays no video.

I would need a backtrace at this point of time, if possible in debug
symbols. But my guess would be that for some reason, the V4L plugin is
blocked at some stage, due to the driver.

Have you tried reporting the problem to the driver author?
 _      Damien Sandras
//\     GnomeMeeting:
v_/_    FOSDEM 2006 :
        SIP Phone   : sip:dsandras gnomemeeting net 
                      sip:600000 gnomemeeting net

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