Fwd: [PATCH] Erlang Analysis Functions Plugin

I'm forwarding this on behalf of
arief, arief_m_utama telkomsel co
id. I've put the patch up at
"http://jk.ufisa.uninett.no/gnumeric/fn-erlang.tar.gz"; and 

Dear hellan

Thanks for your attention.
Basically what I did was creating erlang analysis functions. 

They are:
1. dimcirc, calculate how many circuits needed for a certain 
traffic load with certain grade of service.
2. offcap, opposite of dimcirc.
3. offtraf, calculate offered traffic
4. probblock, calculate blocking probability of a certain traffic 
and circuits.

I didn't quite sure how to make a decent patch, so I just did
'diff -ur gnumeric-1.2.13.orig gnumeric-1.2.13' which I hope will
collect changes I made to configure.in and Makefile.{in,am}. Then I
create a tarball containing fn-erlang directory.

My work is done based on debian-unstable gnumeric-1.2.13 source. 

Here they are.

I really wish they can be included in next stable version of 
gnumeric, because these functions are essential for a
Telecommunication Engineer. 

Thanks again.

Best Regards.

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