Re: [gthumb-list] [Gnome soc] Add tracker and Zeitgeist integration for the searching/tagging feature.

I am Thibault Saunier,

I have a project idea for GThumb which would be the integration of
tracker and zeitgeist (probably as a/two plugin(s)) to have GThumb all
the most ready for Gnome3!

I would like to have your point of view about such a project?

I think you are absolutely correct to have them as plugins, because different users are going to react to 
this feature differently. Some are going to be glad and others will find they have no use for them and if 
they get in the way, they will be an obstruction.  It is a good thing if GThumb can be compiled and run with 
or without those plugins, everyone will be happy.  Some users (like myself) do not have a lot of extra 
computing (hardware) resources to have (computationaly) expensive features which they do not use.

I was a KDE user for a long time.  Then came KDE4.  I tried with much effort over several months to run KDE4 
before giving up. Major disadvantages of KDE4 are Akonadi and Strigi. I hope Zeitgeist works better.

GThumb main.c is licensed GPL2 or later. I think it would be best to license your plugins as GPL3 or later, 
so long as there are no conflicts with Zeitgeist or other things you link to.

Best wishes.

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