URGENT: memory leek in gtkplot-5.0

Hello all, hi Adrain,

Still I have to bother you with the same problem I already
had some month ago. However the system is installed at a
clients place in Germany, and so I cannot upgrade to the
gtkextra package. 

The problem is: I use the following function to periodically
update the plot when data in the data_set have changed:

void figure_redraw( Figure_t * Figure )
    GList   * plot_list = GTK_PLOT_LAYOUT(Figure->Plot_Layout)->plots;
    GtkPlot * plot;

    while( plot_list != NULL )
        gtk_widget_draw( GTK_WIDGET(plot_list->data), NULL );
        plot_list = plot_list->next;  

However, this leads to the effect that under SuSE 6.2 the 
application grows rapidely, and unter SuSE 7.1, the Xserver 
grows, too.

I tried to replace gtk_widget_draw by the combination of

        gtk_plot_paint(  GTK_WIDGET(plot_list->data), NULL );
        gtk_plot_refresh( GTK_PLOT(plot_list->data), NULL );

but the effect is the same. If i use just gtk_plot_refresh,
nothing happens on the screen, though. 

A question to all: Where can I look in the gtkplot code or
in gtk to see why some resource is not deallocated any more?

Please help and thanks for any hints!
Dr. Peter Wurmsdobler

      CTM - Centre de Transfert des Microtechniques
39, av. de l'Observatoire, BP-1445, 25007 Besancon CEDEX 3
TELEPHONE: +33 3 81 47 70 20  TELECOPIE: +33 3 81 47 70 21
         E-mail: peter wurmsdobler ctm-france com

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