Re: gtk fileselect widget on top of gnome-vfs ?

On Sat, 09 Aug 2003 09:31:48 +0200
Matthias Mann <matman matman24 org> wrote:

On Wednesday August 06 2003 21:14 CEST, Olivier wrote:
user wants to 'save as' for example he/she can only save to
the local filesystem, even if the file was previously on a
remote filesystem..
Did you make shure your remote filesystem has write permission
for the user?

I guess you understood the problem wrongly: the gtk file selection widget
only shows local files. I don't know how to make the gtk file selection
widget show for example the contents of sftp://otherserver/home/olivier

So if a user has a file open on a remote location, and chooses 'save as',
what widget do I use to enable the user select a new filename?


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