Where's polygon odd/even fill mode?

Hi all,

I'm in the process of porting an X11 app to windows using gtk. This app uses
the XFillPolygon function. This function provides a couple of extra
parameters for filling multiple polygons that cross regions -
XFillPolygon(Display *display, Drawable d, GC gc, XPoint *points, int
npoints, int shape, int mode); The last two parameters are set to 'NonConvex
and CoordModeOrigin'. The effect is the image the polygons are drawing are
completely filled. On windows the SetPolyFillMode method accomplishes the
same thing by setting the fill mode to WINDING. 

Where's the same capability in GDK? 

The effect I'm getting with the gdk_draw_polygon with fill mode set to True
is a series of polygons that are disconnected and ratty.


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