Re: mingw32

On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 03:01, Eduardo Lütz wrote:
Definitely use gtk 2.2.2.  I use the packages at

Got it -- I've downloaded around 47MB from there.

Hmm.  There are just 2 packages you should download.  the
gtk-runtime.exe for the windows box and the gtk developmnent env which
you install on windows and then copy to your linux box.  Totals maybe 10
or 15 mb.

I have a complete mingw32 cross environment on linux that can produce 
win32 exe's compatible with the runtime provided by the link I
mentioned.  If you want a tarball of it, I'll be happy to post it
somewhere.  It's kind of large (about 33 mb).

Great! Do you have a place to post it?

I can post it for a while on my employer's site, but I would need
somewhere else to host it.

I've also found that it's pretty easy to hack the and files that glade-2 produces to allow you to take your
glade-produced source code and target win32 and linux simultaneously. 
Please let me know if you want info on that too.

Yes, I do!

I'll see about putting out a patch for glade's standard output stuff. 
Then maybe we can get the glade-2 maintainer to stick in the win32 stuff
by default.


Compiling all the libs from scratch is doable but there are problems
I've run into, so I just use the precompiled (on visual studio) dlls
that the gtk-win site provides.


Not trying to run into avoidable problems. I'm gonna check it.

Thanx again, folks.

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