Re: gtk+ installation problems

This story is all too common.  It is so common that it has a name:
"dependency hell".

I would recommend a clean install of the latest and greatest version
of industrial-grade Linux with a decently new version of GTK already
installed.  (I don't know why Lindows doesn't have gtk pre-installed.
Does it run only KDE or something?)  I use Fedora 1 and am able to
hack GTK apps without too much dependency trouble.  Grabbing a real
Debian distribution may also be a good way to get out of trouble.  In
any event, make sure the dist you are grabbing already has GTK+-2.X 

This problem is why the various companies and organizations produce
distributions for end users -- they let experts handle the "dependency
hell", and let you get on with your job.  I don't know why you had
problems with Lindows.  Maybe your version was too old to include
GTK-2?  Maybe Lindows wants you to use their particular upgrade
system and doesn't support compilation from tarballs along with all
the other necessary tools?  Maybe they don't have all developer tools
installed beause they are a "retail oriented" distribution? 

You can grab ISOs of the various distributions here:

Have fun!


Hi everyone,

I want to port/rewrite an old DOS application I wrote
to Linux using gtk+. I bought a Lindows machine and am
having so much trouble getting gtk+ installed properly
that I think my purchase may have been a mistake. (I
have Lindows 4.0 which is a Debian version of Linux.)

Here are some examples of the troubles I am having:

I installed gtk and glib 2.0 and various other
packages with the Debian package manager dpkg. But
none of the sample gtk+ programs compiled because the
Makefile uses pkg-config and there are no .pc files
anywhere to be found.

So I went to and got the sources for gtk+ 2.4.
They wouldn't configure because my version of
pkg-config was too old, so I got the latest version of
it. That didn't compile. I googled for the error,
hacked the source slightly, and got it to compile.
Then I ran ./configure for glib-2.4.5, but it failed
saying that I need gettext support in my C library or
that I should use the GNU gettext library. So I
downloaded and configured the gettext library, but
make failed because a C# compiler was not found and I
need pnet. 

I fear that I am in an infinite loop, and will spend
the rest of my days downloading package after package,
each of which needs yet another package. 

I wrote this to give you a flavor of what I'm going
through. I'm not asking for help with pkg-config or
glib or gettext or pnet. I'm asking for your advice.

Would I have an easier time if I used Red Hat Linux?
If I could buy a system that would have gtk+
pre-configured, or if it was easy to set up, it would
save me a lot of time. I would like to scrap my
current system, but I don't want to get another system
with the same problems.

Thanks in advance.

David Levner

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