Re: Java Versus gtk

Hi all,

I would like to add my opinions and comments to the soup again.

| Integrated Developm. Envirs.  | -         | o         | +         |

I think the Qt-Designer + KDevelop together is a very good
development environment. The way of working feels quite the
same than it felt using Delphi many years ago.

| Complexity / ease to learn    | +         | o         | o         |

I think quite the opposite. From these, Java is the most easy to learn.
In my opinion, Qt has the second place. On the other hand, because
of long experience with C, I think GTK is not so hard to use either.

However, I like C++ more than C. I have for example now done a project
with C that is about 10000 lines long. I think it would have
been less than 5000 lines long with C++ and would have contained
a lot less pointers. I was unable to convince
those decided which language was chosen with my C++ claims.
Because I think in C++, for me, C++ is kind of easier allthough
it requires more thinking than plain C where no thinking is required,
all time goes to writing the code. C++ requires some design
work to the class structure that requires understanding what
is good, elegant and easy to implement.

The most horrible code I have seen, have been C code where 
some have tried to make the code look like C++ by using C++ reserved
words such as this-pointer. I am rather much opposed to that kind
of writing style. Because of my opinion, our official style guide 
now states that emulating C++ with C is forbidden.
In my opinion, it would be a less wrong to do C-like code
with C++ than to do C++ -like code with C.

Best Regards,
Karoliina Salminen

 * | Karoliina Salminen | karoliinasalminen karoliinasalminen com |
 * | | |

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