Re: GtkTreeView data

Le jeudi 14 avril 2005 Ã 18:23 +0100, Kris Marsh a Ãcrit :

I'm trying to attach extra information to each row in a list, and then 
retrieve it later on from a row on 
a double click (row_activated) event.
Basically, i've tried:

g_object_set_data(G_OBJECT(&iter_child), "my_info", 

Upon inserting an item into the list and then tried to retrieve it in my 
callback, but it crashes on insert.

1) What should I be trying to link my extra data to? (I assumed the iter 
that comes out from 
gtk_tree_store_append), but could be wrong.
You hook it as a new column of the model, for which you must give a
position and a type.

2) How can I do this. Eventually the data is going to be either a char array 
or a pointer to a structure

Note that the data must be a GObject, in particular with respect to
memory management (refcounting).
The simple way to register your arbitrary data type is to write a clone
and a free routine, and register them along with a new boxed type.
See g_boxed_type_register_static:

Wrap this up in a get_my_type routine that has a static variable and
does the actual call only once, and use the routine when registering the
extra model column.

(that's a problem I had some time ago on this list, and it didn't work
out immediately)

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