how can a non-root user can access usb ports

i am using linux fedora core 3.
I want to  access to usb ports  as a non-root.because i want to run a
hardware circuit.
i can run my hardware as a root but not as a non-root user.
so i have changed the permissions of /proc/bus/usb  to 777.
then if i run my hardware as a  non-root user it is working.But when i
re-start the System
whatever changes i did for /proc/bus/usb (777) will  gon and they are
resetted to original,so now i cannot run my hardware.
so what shall i do to make changes of /proc/bus/usb  to 777 permanently.
 how can a non-root user can access  usb ports

If u have a  solution plz mail me to                hvreddy1110 gmail com
thanks in advance.

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