Re: GIOScheduler example need


Where Win:

typedef struct _Win
typedef struct _MainWin
    GtkWindow parent;
    GtkWidget* scroll;
    GtkWidget* box;

I'm not quite sure how you defined your data type here, but if you are just typedef-ing a structure of course 
you can pass it to the function just like another pointer, you can use struct _Win*, or Win*. The second 
method is better than the first in case you need Win to be a opaque type.


--- kuleshovmail gmail com wrote:

From: Alexander Kuleshov <kuleshovmail gmail com>
To: ajhwb knac com, gtk-app-devel-list gnome org
Subject: Re: GIOScheduler example need
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2010 20:23:15 +0600

Thank you very much for you help. you realy helped me. Can i asked
last question about parameters :)

If on of the parameters structure too. For example:

static gboolean job_func(int a, Win* b)

Where Win:

typedef struct _Win
typedef struct _MainWin
    GtkWindow parent;
    GtkWidget* scroll;
    GtkWidget* box;

Thank you.

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