Re: Strange 'regression' in gtk+/gstreamer app


My guess is that it has something to do with how GTK is drawing. Look at the double buffered reference.

For drawing transparent backgrounds GTK changed something in the drawing code in 3.10. When I was using 3.10 
and trying to draw transparent windows they would work sometimes and then they wouldn't. I think that got 
fixed sometime in 3.10 but then that caused the double buffering set to false not to work anymore. I used to 
be able to send an X window id to gnuplot and it would draw directly on the window. That doesn't work in 3.18 
but did in 3.10. With gstreamer it still needs a X window id but it works with the updates with GTK but not 
with double buffering set to false anymore or it just ignores it. Some of the older gstreamer code has the 
double buffering always set to false. It isn't needed anymore. You probably don't want to set it to false if 
you are using GTK after version 3.10 on any of the drawing areas.

I don't know the internals of why this is. Just from testing some code out but this is my understanding of 
it. I will have to test a few more things out.


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