Re: Signal argument names

On Fri, 2002-11-08 at 00:32, Owen Taylor wrote:
> OK, I'm not sure that I ever expect people to write _two_ sets of docs
> for their properties, but I guess it's good to be prepared :-)

The blurb is meant for tooltips, in gui builders, isn't it ? 
I wouldn't expect people to put lots of interesting information about
getters, setters, or interactions with other properties in a tooltip,
thus a separate channel for API docs may be valuable.

> > Do you have any proposal for the placement of these signal and property
> > doc comments in the source ? Before class_init, after class_init, or
> > even inside class_init, before the corresponding signal/property
> > registrations ?
> My tendendency would be to do them inside class_init() mixed with the
> signal registrations. I think it is confusing to have to look multiple
> places for information about a particular signal.

Ok, since I have committed the gtk-doc patch now, I can start some
experiments with this.

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