Re: /*< private >*/ handling

On Sun, 2003-01-12 at 02:05, Matthias Clasen wrote:
> Damon, Owen, 
> can we resolve this issue one way or the other ? Should I commit the
> patch attached to which
> removes the special-casing of class structs and makes them default to
> public like other structs ?

The patch is fine by me. As you said, most class structs aren't included
in the docs at the moment anyway, so it won't affect the docs much.
When they are added, the <private> and <public> tags can be used as

> In other news, I have been working a bit on whipping up the object
> hierarchies produced by gtk-doc a bit I have a patch which employs the
> dot utility (part of GraphViz) to produce images like the one attached
> below, together with the necessary image maps (I have attached only the
> GtkSpinButton snipplet, since the complete GTK+ hierarchy is a bit
> overwhelming...). 
> I wonder how to best integrate this feature with gtk-doc. I guess we
> don't want a hard dependency on GraphViz (and compile time doesn't make
> any real sense), thus the simplest thing would be to add a
> --graphical-hierarchies option or just detect the absense of dot at
> runtime and fall back to the old textual trees ?

Is GraphViz widely available and easy to install etc.? I can't see it in
RedHat 7.3.

To be honest, I'd rather we didn't add major features to gtk-doc now -
I'd prefer we just fixed major problems. Unless someone else wants to
take over maintainership, of course ;)


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