Re: [gtk-list] Re: gdk_imlib questions

On 16 Nov, Tor Lillqvist scribbled:
->  > remember Imlib isnt gdk_imlib - imlib is 2 libraries with 2 api's
->  > almost the samethat allow both gdk level and Xlib level apps to share
->  > the same functionality.
->  > Maintinence wise I keep them both at Xlib level sicne Imlib has Xlib
->  > and gdk front-ends. having either significantly different will mean
->  > nightmares for maintinence. Beleive it or not the Xlib API to Imlib
->  > is being used by many apps and is attractive to other people like
->  > the KDE people.
->  Would it be better then to split off gdk_imlib from the "plain" Imlib,
->  and develop it in the direction of really living up to its name, using
->  just GDK. The windowing/graphics API functionality that gdk_imlib
->  needs that is not doable with GDK currently could be added to GDK,
->  just a few new gdk_image_ and gdk_pixmap_ functions, probably.

the problem is maintinece. - you wont get shared pixmap support cause
gdk doesnt have it and maintinence on 2 very different codebases is a
PAIN. thats a big reason for their similarity.

->  (I will have to this anyway if/when porting gdk_imlib to Windows,
->  sigh, but it would be nice if it would be official.)
->  > ->  - Is there a reason why gdk_imlib shouldn't use g_malloc and friends?
->  > 
->  > same as below - parallelism for maintinence. I don't see why it should
->  > either. malloc is portable - standard ansi-c. it's a moot point.
->  But why does all of GTk+ and GIMP (dunno about GNOME) then use
->  g_malloc etc? Presumably there is some sound reasoning behind these
->  wrappers to malloc and free? 

none that i can see portability wise.

->  --tml

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