Transparent pixmaps...

Hello out there,

I'm just starting to use Gtk/Gdk, so please be patient...

What I'd like to know is how do I create a transparent offscreen
pixmap. Loading pixmaps from files or data with transparency works
fine, but I'd like to create an offscreen pixmap (using
gdk_pixmap_new), draw into it (works fine to), and later overlay it
upon another pixmap (possibly using gdk_draw_pixmap). This doesn't
work for me, unfortunatly. The underlying pixmap is totally obscured
by the pixmap I'd like to put upon it.

I also tried using a clip mask with little success.

So any hints, or even better some code snipsets for me?

Best regards and thanks in advance,


Stephan Krings                                       Freie Universitaet Berlin
AG Kommunikationsserver      Zentraleinrichtung fuer Datenverarbeitung (ZEDAT)                                      Fabeckstr. 32
Tel: +49 30 838 3239                   				  14195 Berlin

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