Re: [gtk-list] guile-gtk-0.14 problems with gtk+-1.2

Ramses Morales <> writes:

> I'm having problems trying to compile guile-gtk with gtk 1.2.

Yes, that's a known problem.  Gregory McLean has already solved this
in the GNOME CVS repo.  I'll look thru his changes and then release
guile-gtk-0.15 which will work with gtk-1.2 (but not with 1.1).

> I changed the files configure and to work with gtk 1.2,
> changing the test of minor version from 1 to 2, but make fails with...
> make: Circular aclocal.m4 <- aclocal.m4 dependency dropped.
> cd. && aclocal -I .
> aclocal: 17: macrk `AM_PATH_GTK' not found in library
> make: *** [aclocal.m4] Error 1

I think this is not a 1.2 problem.  Looks like you have a messed up
automake/gtk installation.  Did you install the two packages with the
same prefix?  If not, you might want to

  % cp <pfx-of-gtk>/share/aclocal/gtk.m4 <pfx-of-automake>/share/aclocal

or find a more elegant solution to make aclocal find the file gtk.m4

- Marius

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