Re: [gtk-list] Find what row was dbl clicked on

Please wrap lines at 74 columns.

On Mon, Jan 17, 2000 at 03:04:49AM -0600,
CountZero <> wrote:
> Anyway, the short question is: how do I determine what row in a GtkCList
> was the target of a
> button_press_event (more specifically, of a 2button_press event)?

Don't connect to button_press_event; connect to select_row. Now your
signal handler looks like this:

on_RemoteClist_select_row              (GtkCList        *clist,
                                        gint             row,
                                        gint             column,
                                        GdkEvent        *event,
                                        gpointer         user_data);

Eric Gillespie, Jr. <*>

All hail the Dollar, King of the Earth.

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