Re: GtkStyles and RC-Files.

Hi Sven.

Sven Neumann (sven gimp org) wrote:
> Simon Budig <Simon Budig unix-ag org> writes:
> >      1) have two Styles defined in a .gtkrc, named "foobw" and "foowb"
> >      2) get these two styles inside an application by their identifier
> >      3) make proper GtkStyles from these
> >      4) assign these Styles to the Buttons, hardcoded in the application.
> simply define your styles in the gtkrc and add lines like
>  widget "*foobw*" style "foobw"
>  widget "*foowb*" style "foowb"
> Then name your buttons "foobw" or "foowb" using gtk_widget_set_name() and 
> you are done.

But this implies, that I have multiple buttons with the same name
(is this "legal"? Probably.), and it will be harder to identify a widget
if I want e.g. to assign a binding to a special widget.

Hmm. Not really the ideal solution. I think it is kind of strange, that
an application cannot determine the styles defined in a .gtkrc...

Thanks for the hint.
      Simon Budig unix-ag org

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