RE: More info about signals


thanks for your answer.

> - when a signal is created (ie. the class init function for widgets of 
> type "bar" tells gtk that instances of "bar" will be emmitting a signal 
> "foo") the widget specifies the number and type of each signal argument. 
> The marshallers do the argument processing for you. All signals have a 
> final "client" argument which is always a "void*" and which widget "bar" 
> has no control over.

It is a pity that this is not explained. The tutorial doesn't speak about
it, and the API reference just explains what the arguments are. Useful when
you already know how it works but not for the beginner.

> A signal can have any numbner of args of any type, but only one client 
> value.

Could you point me to some code using this ? It would be better for me for
understanding how it works.



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