Re: Stupid question regarding g_thread_init() and gtk_threads_init()

> Well, one thing is the vtable that g_thread_init() uses. But I think the

Of course, there's a default value: NULL, that pretty much everyone uses
(and that would be used in my proposal).

> main reason I did it the way I did it was the idea that g_thread_init()
> should be the very first thing an app calls in its main() function.

And in most cases, gtk_init is also the very first thing a Gtk+ app calls in
its main() function.

Really, from a user perspective, having to call two functions *by default*,
and in particular since it creates a backward incompatibility with earlier
versions of Gtk+ is confusing and unnecessary.

Now, you may use the argument (already used in this thread) that doing
Gtk + threads is a Bad Idea, but that's not our call, that's the user

I'd suggest making g_thread_init optional in the future, without loosing
any of the existing flexibility.


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