Re: gtk-list Digest, Vol 26, Issue 37

On Tue, 2006-06-27 at 08:45 +0530, Lalit Kumar wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am facing problem with gdk_font_load method in my application. It
> returns NULL.
> I am using gtk-2.0 on Redhat Enterprise WS 4.
> Can anybody help me to resolve this proble?
> Help says that gdk_font_load is depricated. What is the name of new
> equivalent method?

a) please do NOT quote an entire digest message just so you can ask a
new question. 

b) please change the subject line when you ask a new question

c) there really is no equivalent method. what are you trying to do?
explicit font loading is rarely necessary now that GTK uses pango (and
has done for at least 2 years.

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