Re: Dynamic changing values at a GtkTreeStore with pointers

On Sun, Mar 25, 2007 at 02:15:05PM -0300, Diogo Ramos wrote:
> Oh yes, I understand that.
> What made me crazy is because when I declare this:
> armazena = gtk_tree_store_new( 	NUM_COLUNAS_DADOS,
> 				);
> I thought: "Ok then, each column will store a pointer address, so, when
> I need to store one of then, I need to store it with the & operator"

And this was correct.  If you wanted to store the pointer
address, as you write, then you would indeed have to use &
to obtain it (leaving aside what would that be good for).

The point is that you do *not* want to store the address of
the pointer (i.e. a pointer to the pointer), but the pointer

Now, if that's clear and you only didn't express yourself
very clearly, I'm sorry for nitpicking.  However if it
confused you, you still don't understand (but I cannot
explain it better).



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