Re: [Gtk-osx-users] glib version error while building gimp

On Apr 19, 2011, at 11:25 AM, John Ralls wrote:

> On Apr 19, 2011, at 2:28 AM, Tim Chen wrote:
>> Yes, after wiping the ~/gtk and ~/Source director, I can build gegl successfully. woot!
>> Unfortunately, the story does not end there.
>> (I will try to describe things in detail so that maybe it would be helpful for other people interesting in compiling gimp on Mac.)
>> while building gimp, an error will appear
>> ==============================
>> menus/ `%'-style pattern rules are a GNU make extension
>> plug-ins/common/ `%'-style pattern rules are a GNU make extension
>> /bin/sh: srcdir: command not found
>> /bin/sh: s/configure: No such file or directory
>> *** Error during phase configure of gimp: ########## Error running autoreconf -fis && $(srcdir)s/configure --prefix /Users/timchen/gtk/inst --libdir '/Users/timchen/gtk/inst/lib' --disable-python --without-x                           --without-dbus --without-gnomevfs --without-wmf --enable-binreloc  --disable-static *** [7/7] 
>> ===============================
>> I am not sure the reason behind it, but I fix it by exiting to shell, then do the configuration there by
>> ./configure --prefix /Users/timchen/gtk/inst --libdir '/Users/timchen/gtk/inst/lib' --disable-python --without-x  --without-dbus --without-gnomevfs --without-wmf --enable-binreloc  --disable-static --disable-mmx
>> (note that the flag *--disable-mmx* is somehow needed to avoid some compile error later)
>> then I exit the shell and continue the building process and gimp is finally built. 
>> However, when I tried to launch gimp with ~/gtk/inst/bin/gimp The splash screen appear and it hangs with the subtitle
>> Starting Extensions
>> extension-script-fu
>> And when I terminated the process with ctrl + c, it shows
>> ./gimp: terminated: Interrupt
>> /Users/timchen/gtk/inst/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/script-fu terminated: Interrupt
>> My first guess was that there is some sort of bug with the pygtk, but it turns out that I can run several pygtk examples without problem. 
>> So, I am basically stuck here. Do you think it is related to the previous error in autoreconf?
> The autoregen failure was from a typo in the moduleset, fixed and pushed, thanks.
> The mmx problem is because gimp's configure has code which determines that you have a 64-bit machine and ignores the -arch i386 CFLAG, so it sets up for x86_64 assembly instead of x86 assembly; gcc sensibly declines to do that. You can override configure by adding the line 
> append_autogenargs("gimp", "--host=i686-darwin10.5.0 --target=i686-darwin10.5.0")
> to your .jhbuildrc-custom.
> I get the hang, too, so I'm building a debug version so that I can see what's hanging it up. I'll get back to you on that once I've figured out the problem.
> (By the way, don't get tempted to try a 64-bit build; they're still using ige-mac-integration. I'll file a bug with them about that.)

The problem is that gimp is firing up an event loop, which is waiting for gimp to get focus. When you launch it from the command line, the terminal keeps focus, so gimp hangs until you switch focus to it. Click in the splash screen or command-tab to select gimp and it should finish up and display its palettes and menu.

John Ralls

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