Re: [gtk-osx-users] Broken modulesets ?

On May 14, 2013, at 2:35 AM, Pierre Boutillier <pierre boutillier laposte net> wrote:

I'm not sure to be is the correct place, is there a place on the gnome bug tracker for gtk-osx bugs ?

it seems to me that
is broken.

because after dropping Source/ a "sh" and a "~/.local/bin/jhbuild bootstrap" that 
"~/.local/bin/jhbuild build meta-gtk-osx-bootstrap" answers

I: bootstrap moduleset has been updated since the last time you used it, perhaps you should run jhbuild 
jhbuild build: gnome-doc-utils has a dependency on unknown "gtk-osx-docbook" module
Usage: jhbuild [ -f config ] command [ options ... ]

Using modulesets-stable works. Is the problem on my side ?

There is, use project gtk+ and module mac-integration.

For simple problems like this, though, posting here works too. Thanks for the report, I've pushed a fix.

John Ralls

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