Re: GObject reference counts

Robert G. Werner said:
Andrew Pimlott wrote:
Although implementing GC semantics will be a witch for you, I'm
certain the current behavior will bite other programmers hundreds of
times, possibly in subtle ways.  This will ultimately waste more time than
the developers are saving, and sour people on gtk2-perl.

I kind of agree with you.  However,  I really can feel sympathy for  the
point of view that trying to implement the correctly GCd versions  of
GObject is a _hard_ problem.

GObject is not so bad.  GtkObject by itself is not so bad.  handling the
idiosyncrasies of both at the same time is what's tricky.

Maybe,  though,  it is something that can be added later as an option?
  Getting gtk+2_perl up an running and then implementing an
alternative view of Gobject in perl (what I mean is some way that perl
objects and the gtk+ objects would have a one to one corespondance)  later
seems like a reasonable approach.

in my estimation, that's already been done.  if we wait any longer to do it
right, we'll be breaking an ever-larger body of code when the release with the
new "correct" semantics comes out.

for example, i'm getting ready to write *three* extension library wrappers
that all layer atop Gtk2.  i don't want to have to come back in two months and
make major renovations.

this is a really big bee in my bonnet, so i will sandbox on something to do
with the reference counting semantics for a week or two and post my findings.

muppet <scott asofyet org>

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