Re: Redirecting stderr messages to a gnomeless widget.

On Wednesday, May 5, 2004, at 04:06 AM, raj090371 wrote:

How can I redirect STDERR messages to a gnome less widget or to a non editable text widget.Please help.

from the same app or from a child app?

from a child app is easy -- use shell redirection and an io watch. there's an example (without the redirection for stderr) in the faq:

you'd just do

   open IN, "child_program 2>&1 1>/dev/null";

instead, to send stdout to /dev/null and capture stderr. see the bash manpage (or whatever shell you're using) for more info.

from the same app can be a bit tricker. if you use Glib::Log's facilities for all your messages, you can use an arbitrary logging function to send the text wherever you want.

muppet <scott at asofyet dot org>

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